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中华老年病研究电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (03) : 24 -27. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8757.2024.03.005


徐森胤1, 黄斌1,(), 郭绍锋1, 王涵1   
  1. 1.310013 杭州,浙江医院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-07 出版日期:2024-08-28
  • 通信作者: 黄斌
  • 基金资助:

Clinical efficacy of contrast-enhanced ultrasound-guided injection in treating adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder in elderly patients

Senyin Xu1, Bin Huang1,(), Shaofeng Guo1, Han Wang1   

  1. 1.Department of Ultrasound, Zhejiang Hospital, Hangzhou 310013, China
  • Received:2024-05-07 Published:2024-08-28
  • Corresponding author: Bin Huang

徐森胤, 黄斌, 郭绍锋, 王涵. 超声造影引导下关节囊内注射治疗老年粘连性关节囊炎的疗效分析[J/OL]. 中华老年病研究电子杂志, 2024, 11(03): 24-27.

Senyin Xu, Bin Huang, Shaofeng Guo, Han Wang. Clinical efficacy of contrast-enhanced ultrasound-guided injection in treating adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder in elderly patients[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Research(Electronic Edition), 2024, 11(03): 24-27.




纳入2020 年1 月至2023 年12 月在浙江医院诊治的63 例60 岁及以上ACS 患者,其中观察组30 例,对照组33 例。观察组接受超声造影引导下的药物注射治疗,对照组接受传统封闭治疗。通过比较两组患者的Constant-Murley 评分(CMS)、视觉模拟评分法(VAS)评分以及治疗后腋囊厚度变化评估疗效。计量资料的比较均采用t 检验,计数资料的比较采用χ2 检验。


观察组患者在CMS 和VAS 评分方面的改善显著优于对照组(t=4.142、-4.873,P<0.01),治疗后的腋囊厚度小于对照组(t=-2.164,P <0.05),且平均治疗次数也显著少于对照组(t=-33.292,P <0.01)。


超声造影引导下的关节囊内注射治疗能够更有效改善老年ACS 患者的肩关节功能,减轻疼痛并减少关节黏连。


To evaluate the clinical efficacy of contrast-enhanced ultrasound-guided injection in treating adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder (ACS) in elderly patients, focusing on improvements in shoulder joint function, pain relief, and reduction of joint adhesions.


This study included 63 patients aged 60 years or older diagnosed with ACS and treated at Zhejiang Hospital from January 2020 to December 2023. Patients were divided into an observation group (n=30) and a control group(n=33). The observation group underwent contrast-enhanced ultrasound-guided drug injection, while the control group received traditional corticosteroid injections. Clinical efficacy was evaluated by comparing Constant-Murley scores (CMS), Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores, and post-treatment axillary recess thickness between the two groups. T tests were used to compare the measurement data, χ2 tests were used to compare the counting data.


Patients in the observation group showed significantly better improvement in CMS and VAS scores than the control group (t=4.142, -4.873; P < 0.01),axillary capsule thickness after treatment was less than that of the control group (t=-2.164, P < 0.05), and the observation group required significantly fewer treatment sessions than the control group (t=-33.292,P < 0.01).


Contrast-enhanced ultrasound-guided intracapsular injection therapy is more effective in improving shoulder function, reducing pain and minimizing joint adhesions in elderly patients with ACS.

表1 实验组与对照组患者的基线特征比较[±s 或例(%)]
表2 两组患者疗效的比较(±s
图1 肩关节超声造影引导下关节囊内注射治疗前后黏连变化对比图。1A:治疗前肩关节腋下囊造影剂不规则充盈缺损(箭头所示),提示腋下囊存在较多黏连区域;1B:治疗后残存局部造影剂充盈缺损(箭头所示),提示仍存在局部黏连
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