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中华老年病研究电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (01) : 18 -23. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8757.2024.01.004


陈滢双1, 石高羽1, 王杭悦1, 杨杨2, 瞿先国3,()   
  1. 1. 310053 杭州,浙江中医药大学第四临床医学院(杭州市第一人民医院)
    2. 310021 杭州市退役军人服务中心(杭州市双拥服务中心)业务科
    3. 310006 杭州市第一人民医院科研部
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-09 出版日期:2024-02-28
  • 通信作者: 瞿先国
  • 基金资助:
    浙江省医药卫生科技计划项目(2023RC222); 杭州市卫生科技计划项目(A20220989)

The mediation of social support in the association between depression and frailty in the elderly

Yingshuang Chen1, Gaoyu Shi1, Hangyue Wang1, Yang Yang2, Xianguo Qu3,()   

  1. 1. The Fourth Clinical College of Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University (Hangzhou First People's Hospital), Hangzhou 310053, China
    2. Operations Department, Hangzhou Veterans Service Center (Hangzhou Shuangyong Service Center), Hangzhou 310021, China
    3. Department of Scientific Research, Hangzhou First People's Hospital, Hangzhou 310006, China
  • Received:2023-10-09 Published:2024-02-28
  • Corresponding author: Xianguo Qu

陈滢双, 石高羽, 王杭悦, 杨杨, 瞿先国. 社会支持在老年人抑郁与衰弱间的中介作用[J]. 中华老年病研究电子杂志, 2024, 11(01): 18-23.

Yingshuang Chen, Gaoyu Shi, Hangyue Wang, Yang Yang, Xianguo Qu. The mediation of social support in the association between depression and frailty in the elderly[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Research(Electronic Edition), 2024, 11(01): 18-23.




选取中国健康与养老追踪调查数据库(CHARLS)中2018年的11 448名≥60岁的老年人为研究对象,采用χ2检验分析老年人人口学特征、抑郁情况、社会支持情况对老年人不同程度衰弱的影响;采用多元无序logistic回归模型分别分析老年人抑郁情况、社会支持情况对衰弱的影响;采用多元线性逐步回归分析对社会支持的中介效应进行检验。






To explore the relationship between depression and frailty in the elderly, and analyze the mediating role of social support.


A total of 11 448 elderly people (≥60 years old) from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study Database (CHARLS) in 2018 were selected as the research objects. χ2 test was used to analyze the effects of demographic characteristics, depression and social support on different degrees of frailty in the elderly. Multivariate Logistic regression model was used to analyze the effects of depression and social support on frailty in the elderly. Multiple linear stepwise regression analysis was used to test the mediating effect of social support in depression and frailty.


Logistic regression analysis showed that the elderly with depression, had a higher risk of frailty than (OR=9.67, P < 0.01) and pre-frailty (OR=3.98, P < 0.01) those without depression. Elderly with high levels of formal social support had a lower risk of transition from non-frailties to pre-frailties (OR=0.73, P < 0.05) or frailties (OR=0.62, P < 0.05). Elderly with high levels of informal social support also had a lower risk of transition from non-frailty to frailty (OR=0.81, P < 0.05). Multiple linear regression test showed that depression was positively correlated with frailty (β=0.532, P < 0.01), and negatively correlated with formal social support (β=-0.119, P < 0.01). The effect of depression on frailty was decreased when formal social support was included, but remained positively correlated (β=0.527, P < 0.01).


Depression in the elderly has a significant impact on frailty, and formal social support plays a mediating role.

表1 不同衰弱状况老年人特征的比较[例(%)]
组别 例数 男性 年龄(岁) 居住地 受教育程度
60~70 70~80 ≥80 城市 农村 小学及以下 初中及以上
总人群 11 448 5 578(48.7) 7 000(61.1) 3 275(28.6) 1 173(10.2) 2 809(24.5) 8 639(75.5) 8 506(74.3) 2 942(25.7)
无衰弱人群 5 491 3 037(55.3) 3 704(52.9) 1 406(25.6) 381(6.9) 1 616(29.4) 3 875(70.6) 3 627(66.1) 1 864(33.9)
衰弱前期人群 4 721 2 058(43.6) 2 764(58.5) 1 462(31.0) 495(10.5) 953(20.2) 3 768(79.8) 3 800(80.5) 921(19.5)
衰弱人群 1 236 483(39.1) 532(43.0) 407(32.9) 297(24.0) 240(19.4) 996(80.6) 1 079(87.3) 157(12.7)
χ2   191.087 429.829 136.751 399.693
P   <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
组别 例数 婚姻状况 吸烟 饮酒
无配偶(含丧偶) 有配偶 已戒烟 仍在吸烟 经常喝 少喝 不喝
总人群 11 448 2 451(21.4) 8 997(78.6) 6 412(56.0) 2 027(17.7) 3 009(26.3) 2 763(24.1) 785(6.9) 7 900(69.0)
无衰弱人群 5 491 873(15.9) 4 618(84.1) 2 862(52.1) 970(17.7) 1 659(30.2) 1 677(30.5) 418(7.6) 3 396(61.8)
衰弱前期人群 4 721 1 162(24.6) 3 559(75.4) 2 796(59.2) 788(24.1) 1 137(24.1) 966(20.5) 311(6.6) 3 444(73.0)
衰弱人群 1 236 416(33.7) 820(66.3) 754(61.0) 269(21.8) 213(17.2) 120(9.7) 56(4.5) 1 060(85.8)
χ2   238.092 122.747 342.864
P   <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
组别 例数 抑郁 非正式社会支持 正式社会支持
低水平 中等水平 高水平 低水平 较低水平 中等水平 高水平
总人群 11 448 4 872(42.6) 314(2.7) 8 799(76.9) 2 335(20.4) 3 726(32.5) 3 295(28.8) 1 994(17.4) 2 433(21.3)
无衰弱人群 5 491 1 235(22.5) 108(34.4) 3 950(44.9) 1 433(61.4) 1 732(46.5) 1 562(47.4) 978(49.0) 1 219(50.1)
衰弱前期人群 4 721 2 691(57.0) 154(49.0) 3 824(43.5) 743(31.8) 1 583(42.5) 1 358(41.2) 793(39.8) 987(40.6)
衰弱人群 1 236 946(76.5) 52(16.6) 1 025(11.6) 159(6.8) 411(11.0) 375(11.4) 223(11.2) 227(9.3)
χ2   1 891.051 232.226 13.792
P   <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
表2 老年人衰弱的影响因素分析
变量 衰弱前期vs.无衰弱 衰弱vs.无衰弱
OR(95%CI P OR(95%CI P
1   1  
0.84(0.74,0.95) <0.01 0.86(0.70,1.05) >0.05
60~70岁 1   1  
70~80岁 1.45(1.25,1.69) <0.01 3.95(3.22,4.84) <0.01
≥80岁 1.23(1.12,1.35) <0.01 1.63(1.39,1.90) <0.01
农村 1   1  
城市 0.86(0.76,0.97) <0.05 1.00(0.82,1.22) >0.05
小学及以下 1   1  
初中及以上 0.69(0.62,0.77) <0.01 0.53(0.43,0.65) <0.01
无配偶(含丧偶) 1   1  
有配偶 0.75(0.67,0.84) <0.01 0.70(0.60,0.83) <0.01
1   1  
已戒烟 1.24(1.08,1.44) <0.01 1.89(1.50,2.36) <0.01
仍在吸烟 1.01(0.88,1.15) >0.05 0.92(0.73,1.15) >0.05
不喝 1   1  
少喝 0.86(0.72,1.01) >0.05 0.53(0.39,0.72) <0.01
经常喝 0.70(0.63,0.78) <0.01 0.31(0.25,0.38) <0.01
1   1  
3.98(3.65,4.34) <0.01 9.67(8.30,11.26) <0.01
低水平 1   1  
中等水平 0.82(0.63,1.08) >0.05 0.80(0.55,1.16) >0.05
高水平 0.73(0.55,0.98) <0.05 0.62(0.40,0.96) <0.05
低水平 1   1  
较低水平 0.93(0.84,1.04) >0.05 0.96(0.81,1.14) >0.05
中等水平 0.89(0.79,1.01) >0.05 0.93(0.76,1.13) >0.05
高水平 0.93(0.83,1.05) >0.05 0.81(0.67,0.99) <0.05
图1 正式社会支持在老年人抑郁和衰弱间的中介作用分析图
表3 正式社会支持在抑郁与衰弱间的中介作用
表4 非正式社会支持在抑郁与衰弱间的中介作用
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