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中华老年病研究电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (01) : 11 -17. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8757.2024.01.003


解艳红1, 陈凌燕1,(), 邵晓露1, 沈珊珊1, 李方舟1, 蓝肖燕1   
  1. 1. 310013 杭州,浙江医院老年病科
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-22 出版日期:2024-02-28
  • 通信作者: 陈凌燕
  • 基金资助:

Research progress on frailty risk prediction models for elderly inpatients

Yanhong Xie1, Lingyan Chen1,(), Xiaolu Shao1, Shanshan Shen1, Fangzhou Li1, Xiaoyan Lan1   

  1. 1. Department of Geriatrics, Zhejiang Hospital, Hangzhou 310013, China
  • Received:2023-09-22 Published:2024-02-28
  • Corresponding author: Lingyan Chen

解艳红, 陈凌燕, 邵晓露, 沈珊珊, 李方舟, 蓝肖燕. 老年住院患者衰弱风险预测模型研究进展[J]. 中华老年病研究电子杂志, 2024, 11(01): 11-17.

Yanhong Xie, Lingyan Chen, Xiaolu Shao, Shanshan Shen, Fangzhou Li, Xiaoyan Lan. Research progress on frailty risk prediction models for elderly inpatients[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Research(Electronic Edition), 2024, 11(01): 11-17.


Frailty has a high prevalence worldwide, posing a significant threat to the health of the elderly population. Using assessment tools or risk prediction models to quickly and effectively identify frail elderly hospitalized patients and appropriate intervention measures can effectively prevent frailty from progressing to disability, which is beneficial for improving the quality of life for the elderly and extending life expectancy, reducing the burden on families, society, and medical resources, and promoting the healthy development of aging population in the country. This paper reviews the new research progress on frailty, which includes screening and assessment tools for frailty risk, frailty risk prediction models for elderly hospitalized patients, aiming to provide reference for the construction, application, and promotion of frailty risk prediction models for elderly hospitalized patients in China.

表1 衰弱风险筛查工具概览
衰弱筛查工具 条目数 衰弱判断标准 优点 缺点
FRAIL量表(FS)[19] 5 疲乏、阻力感增加、活动下降、疾病和体质量减轻中符合3项及以上 操作简便耗时短,适用于老年衰弱人群的筛查 缺乏大规模临床研究证据
临床衰弱量表(CFS)[18] 9 5分及以上提示衰弱 便捷、高效、灵活性强,无需使用客观测量工具,通过临床医生的判断即可完成;可有效预测死亡 对评估者的资质有严格的要求,且评估结果易受评估者主观因素的影响
步行速度(WS)[21] 1 低于1.0 m/s 简单易行,敏感性高,可靠性和重复性强 步速是一个连续变量,诊断衰弱或预测风险的有效截点值不明晰,在不同地区、不同人群、不同年龄间存在差异
计时起立-行走试验(TUGT)[22] 1 超过10 s 简单、耗时短,简单,容易掌握,应用方便;对跌倒有预测作用 不同地区、不同人群、不同年龄预测跌倒临界值存在差异
握力(HG)[1] 1 低于相同年龄与性别的最低5分位数 简单快速、效率高 不同地区异质性高
埃德蒙顿衰弱量表(EFS)[20] 9 8分及以上提示衰弱,得分越高衰弱程度越重 简单易评,能全面地反映患者的整体健康状况,耗时短,可信度高 更适用于急症照护患者或老年人术前检查以评估预后
社区衰弱老人评估表(PRISMA-7)[23] 7 3项及以上异常提示衰弱,分数越高衰弱程度越重 简单易懂,可快速完成 容易把健康老年人也诊为衰弱(假阳性),筛查后需要配合其他工具进行再评估
衰弱快速筛查问卷(FSQ)[24] 5 3分及以上提示衰弱 目前唯一基于我国老年人群开发的快速衰弱筛查工具 需进一步进行跨人群验证
蒂尔堡衰弱指标(TFI)[25] 15 5分及以上提示衰弱 多维性、快速简便、有准确的风险预测价值 缺少"认知衰弱"
表2 衰弱评估工具概览
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