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中华老年病研究电子杂志 ›› 2016, Vol. 03 ›› Issue (04) : 17 -22. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8757.2016.04.006

所属专题: 专题评论 文献


楼正渊1, 冯晓丽2, 徐璟1, 徐肖楠1, 张雪妮1, 郭清3,()   
  1. 1. 310018 杭州师范大学
    2. 100053 北京,中国社会福利与养老服务协会
    3. 310053 杭州,浙江中医药大学
  • 收稿日期:2016-11-01 出版日期:2016-11-28
  • 通信作者: 郭清
  • 基金资助:

Survey on service needs of the elderly in urban nursing homes based on ability assessment

Zhengyuan Lou1, Xiaoli Feng2, Jing Xu1, Xiaonan Xu1, Xueni Zhang1, Qing Guo3,()   

  1. 1. Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310018, China
    2. China Association of Social Welfare and Senior Service, Beijing 100053, China
    3. Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China
  • Received:2016-11-01 Published:2016-11-28
  • Corresponding author: Qing Guo
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Guo Qing, Email:

楼正渊, 冯晓丽, 徐璟, 徐肖楠, 张雪妮, 郭清. 基于能力评估的城市养老机构入住老年人服务需求调查[J]. 中华老年病研究电子杂志, 2016, 03(04): 17-22.

Zhengyuan Lou, Xiaoli Feng, Jing Xu, Xiaonan Xu, Xueni Zhang, Qing Guo. Survey on service needs of the elderly in urban nursing homes based on ability assessment[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Research(Electronic Edition), 2016, 03(04): 17-22.










To understand the services demands of elderly people with different ability levels in urban nursing homes.


The services demands of 674 elderly people with different ability levels living in 18 nursing homes in 9 provinces were investigated. The ability level was judged by ability assessment for older adults (MZ/T 039-2013). ANOVA was used to compare the demands with different groups.


Six hundred and seventy-four elderly people were mainly constituted by 70~89 years old (82.2%), having no spouse (61.3%), self-funded (86.8%), and the main reason (58.9%) for living in nursing homes is their relatives had no time to take care of them. The demands of daily life care services, medical and health services and psychological comfort services gradually rose with aggravation of physical damage. The demands of leisure and entertainment services declined with aggravation of physical damage. The differences were statistically significant(F=177.546, 11.269, 4.484, 10.097, all P<0.01). The demand degrees of all the daily life care services rose with aggravation of physical damage (F=150.468, 123.718, 129.496, 78.739, 138.319, 160.589, all P<0.01). Except health education and health care of traditional Chinese Medicine, the demand degrees of other medical and health services rose with aggravation of physical damage (F=8.648, 7.948, 13.009, 10.388, 7.703, 16.342, all P<0.01). The demand degrees of all the leisure and entertainment services declined with aggravation of physical damage (F=3.287, 16.570, 4.127, all P<0.05 or P<0.01). In the dimension of psychological comfort services, the differences among groups in adding visitation frequency were statistically significant (F=7.918, P<0.01). The ability level of elderly people was positively correlated with demand of daily life care services, medical and health services and psychological comfort services (r=0.606, 0.214, 0.108, all P<0.01), and was negatively correlated with demand of leisure and entertainment services(r= -0.197,P<0.01).


The ability level of elderly people living in the urban nursing homes was relevant with the demand of daily life care services, medical and health services, leisure and entertainment services and psychological comfort services. The differences of ability level groups were statistically significant. Nursing homes should pay attention to the ability assessment, and divide functional area, develop care plan, service delivery personally according to the demands.

表1 674例机构入住老年人的基本情况
项目 例数(%) 项目 例数(%) 项目 例数(%)
性别 ? 以往职业 ? 被探望次数 ?
? 316(46.9) ? 机关事业单位干部 219(32.5) ? 每周数次 146(21.7)
? 358(53.1) ? 企事业单位技术人员 259(38.4) ? 每周1次 201(29.8)
年龄 ? ? 服务人员 26(3.9) ? 每月1次 119(17.7)
? 60~69岁 58(8.6) ? 个体自由职业 41(6.1) ? 每月2~3次 134(19.9)
? 70~79岁 176(26.1) ? 无职业 54(8.0) ? 每半年1~2次 49(7.3)
? 80~89岁 378(56.1) ? 务农 32(4.7) ? 基本没有 25(3.7)
? 90岁以上 62(9.2) ? 其他 41(6.4) 最希望接受的养老方式 ?
民族 ? 月平均收入(元) ? ? 居家养老 122(18.1)
? 汉族 636(94.4) ? 500以下 76(11.3) ? 社区养老 39(5.8)
? 少数民族 38(5.6) ? 500~999 45(6.7) ? 机构养老 502(74.4)
文化程度 ? ? 1000~1499 28(4.2) 选择养老机构原因(多选) ?
? 小学及以下 201(29.8) ? 1500~1999 26(3.9) ? 无子女或亲戚照顾 53(7.9)
? 初中 152(22.6) ? 2000~2999 131(19.4) ? 子女亲属没时间照顾 397(58.9)
? 高中或中专 165(24.5) ? 3000~3999 144(21.4) ? 健康状况复杂,无力照顾 109(16.2)
? 大专及以上 156(23.1) ? 4000~4999 92(13.6) ? 喜欢和其他老年人在一起 134(19.9)
婚姻 ? ? 5000以上 132(19.6) ? 养老院的照顾比在家好 396(58.8)
? 有配偶 261(38.7) 子女人数 ? ? 其他 14(2.1)
? 无配偶 412(61.3) ? 0人 40(5.9) 老年人能力等级 ?
付费方式 ? ? 1人 103(15.3) ? 功能完好 248(36.4)
? 自费 585(86.8) ? 2人 188(27.9) ? 轻度受损 239(35.5)
? 公费 27(4.0) ? 3人 185(27.4) ? 中度受损 128(19.0)
? 政府补贴 62(9.2) ? 3人以上 157(23.3) ? 重度受损 59(8.6)
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表5 不同能力等级老年人休闲娱乐及心理慰藉服务各子项需求得分情况(分,±s
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