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中华老年病研究电子杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 02 ›› Issue (01) : 16 -19. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8757.2015.01.005

所属专题: 专题评论 总编推荐 文献


王国付1, Sean X Leng2   
  1. 1. 310013 杭州,浙江医院老年医学科
    2. 21224 Baltimore,MD,Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,USA
  • 收稿日期:2014-12-08 出版日期:2015-02-28
  • 基金资助:
    美国国家卫生研究院项目基金(R21-AG-043874、R01AI108907); 浙江省科技厅项目(2012C24005); 浙江省卫生和计划生育委员会项目(2013ZDA002); 厄玛和保罗米尔斯坦老年健康专项; 米尔斯坦亚美医学基金会项目

Setting up the evaluating system of training and qualification of geriatric specialist to cope with rapid aging effectively

Guofu Wang1, Sean X Leng2   

  • Received:2014-12-08 Published:2015-02-28

王国付, Sean X Leng. 建立我国老年医学专科医师的培训及资质评定体系,有效应对人口快速老龄化[J]. 中华老年病研究电子杂志, 2015, 02(01): 16-19.

Guofu Wang, Sean X Leng. Setting up the evaluating system of training and qualification of geriatric specialist to cope with rapid aging effectively[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Research(Electronic Edition), 2015, 02(01): 16-19.

表1 美国ABIM资格认证考试内容分类
类别 内容占比(%) 类别 内容占比(%)
老年学(Gerontology) 7 ? 其他精神、心理疾病(Other psychiatric disorder) <2
? 生物学(Biology) <2 ? 其他 <2
? 生理学(Physiology) <2 老年综合征(Syndromes) 20.5
? 人口及流行病学(Demography&Epidemiology) 2 ? 认知障碍(Cognitive impairment) 6
? 老年心理学/社会学(Psychology/Sociology of Aging) <2 ? 谵妄(Delirium) 3
? 文献翻译(Interpretation of literature) <2 ? 眩晕/头晕(Dizziness/light-headedness) <2
? 老年人药物问题(Medication issues in the elderly, not related to specific) <2 ? 跌倒(Falls) 2.5
? 其他 <2 ? 失禁(Incontinence) 2
常见老年病(Diseases in the Elderly) 45 ? 压疮(Pressure ulcers) <2
? 变应性疾病(Allergy) <2 ? 睡眠紊乱(Sleep disorders) <2
? 心血管疾病(Cardiovascular) 6 ? 营养不良和体重降低(Undernutrition & involuntaryweight loss) 6
? 皮肤病(Dermatology) <2 ? 肥胖和超重(Obesity & overweight) <2
? 内分泌疾病(Endocrinology) 4.5 ? 衰弱(Frailty) <2
? 胃肠道疾病(Gastroenterology) 2.5 ? 老年人受虐待(Elder mistreatment) <2
? 泌尿生殖系统疾病(Genitourinary) 2 ? 体力急剧下降(Deconditioning) <2
? 血液系统疾病和肿瘤(Hematology & oncology) 4 ? 其他 <2
? 感染性疾病(Infectious Diseases) 4 功能评估&康复(Functional Assessment& Rehabilitation) 3
? 肾脏疾病(Nephrology) 2.5 ? 失能评估(Assessment of disability) <2
? 神经系统疾病(Neurology) 5 ? 康复评估潜能(Assessment of rehabilitation potential) 12
? 口腔健康(Oral Health) <2 ? 康复(Aspects of rehabilitation) <2
? 呼吸系统疾病(Pulmonary Disease) 2.5 ? 康复环境(Rehabilitation settings) <2
? 风湿免疫/骨骼肌肉疾病(Rheumatology/ musc-uloskeletal) 5.5 ? 其他 <2
? 耳鼻咽喉(Ear, nose, and throat) <2 老年人保健服务(Caring for Elderly Patients) 16
? 眼科疾病(Ophthalmology) <2 ? 预防医学(Preventive medicine) 4
? 其他 <2 ? 非主流、替代和整合医学(Complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine) <2
老年精神病(Geriatric Psychiatry) 8.5 ? 卫生经济学(Economic aspects of health care) <2
? 抑郁(Depression) 3 ? 卫生保健服务系统(Health care delivery system) 2
? 情绪低落(Dysthymia) <2 ? 伦理(Ethics) 2
? 情感调节障碍(Adjustment disorder) <2 ? 医疗决策(Decision making) <2
? 双相情感障碍(Bipolar disorder) <2 ? 照顾者及其家庭问题(Caregiver & family concerns) <2
? 焦虑(Anxiety) <2 ? 衰老相关的文化背景(Cultural aspects of aging) <2
? 精神疾病(Psychotic disorder) <2 ? 临终关怀&姑息治疗(End-of-life & palliative-care) 5
? 酒精和药物滥用(Alcohol & substance abuse) <2 ? ?

Leng Sean X.美国老年医学专科医生的培训和资格认证[J].中华老年医学杂志,2012,31(1):16-17.
Besdine R, Boult C, Brangman S, et al. American Geriatrics Society task force on the future of geriatric medicine.Caring for older Americans: the future of geriatric medicine[J].J Am Geriatr Soc,2005,53(6 suppl):S245-256.
Section for Enhancing Geriatric Understanding and expertise among Surgical and Medical Specialists(SEGUE), American Geriatrics Society.Retooling for an aging America: building the healthcare workforce. A white paper regarding implementation of recommendation 4.2 of this Institute of Medicine Report of April 14, 2008, that "All licensure, certification and maintenance of certification for healthcare professionals should include demonstration of competence in care of older adults as a criterion" [J].J Am Geriatr Soc,2011,59(8): 1537-1539.
Bell RH,Drach GW,Rosenthal RA. Proposed competencies in geriatric patient care for use in assessment for initial and continued board certification of surgical specialists[J].J Am Coll Surg,2011,213(5): 683-690.
田新平,Leng SX.对我国老年医学专科医师培养途径与模式的粗浅认识[J].中华老年医学杂志,2012,31(1): 10-12.
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