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中华老年病研究电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (02) : 31 -35. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8757.2024.02.007


徐德全1, 荣洁1, 谢鑫1, 侯利民1,()   
  1. 1. 150001 哈尔滨,哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院急诊外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-01 出版日期:2024-05-28
  • 通信作者: 侯利民

Research trends and hotspots in geriatric emergency medicine: Visualization analysis based on CiteSpace

Dequan Xu1, Jie Rong1, Xin Xie1, Limin Hou1,()   

  1. 1. Emergency Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, China
  • Received:2024-01-01 Published:2024-05-28
  • Corresponding author: Limin Hou

徐德全, 荣洁, 谢鑫, 侯利民. 老年急诊医学研究趋势热点:基于CiteSpace的可视化分析[J]. 中华老年病研究电子杂志, 2024, 11(02): 31-35.

Dequan Xu, Jie Rong, Xin Xie, Limin Hou. Research trends and hotspots in geriatric emergency medicine: Visualization analysis based on CiteSpace[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Research(Electronic Edition), 2024, 11(02): 31-35.




以"geriatric emergency medicine"为主题词,在Web of Science核心数据库中进行检索,检索时间段为2012年1月至2021年12月。排除重复文献以及与主题明显不相关的文献后,通过CiteSpace软件对文献进行可视化分析。通过Excel制作每年发文量的变化趋势图及高频词趋势预测图。通过Datawrapper软件在线制作国家发文量的地理可视化热图。


共纳入2 562篇文献进行可视化分析。2012—2021年GEM相关研究的发文量呈逐年上升趋势,且2015年后出现较大幅度增长,2021年的发文量约为2012年的2.5倍。发文量排名前三的国家依次为美国(827篇)、中国(661篇,其中台湾省452篇)、加拿大(183篇);中介中心性排名前三的国家依次为美国(0.24)、乌克兰(0.13)、英国(0.12)。高频关键词探测结果显示,"risk factor"频次538次,排名第一;"predictor"频次370次,排名第五;两者均呈递增趋势。聚类分析共分为8个主题,Q值为0.7548,S值为0.9032。




To investigate the evolving trends and hot points in the research of geriatric emergency medicine (GEM) over the past decade.


Conduct a field search in the core collection database of Web of Science using "geriatric emergency medicine" as the subject. The literature was analyzed visually using Citespace software, and Excel was utilized to create an annual trend chart for the number of published documents and a trend prediction chart for high-frequency words. Additionally, an online geographic visualized heat map of country publication volume was generated using datawrapper software.


A total of 2 562 literatures were included for visual analysis. The number of articles from 2012 to 2021 showed a increasing trend, and a more substantial increase was observed after 2015, with the number of publications in 2021 being approximately 2.5 times that of 2012. The top three countries in terms of publication volume are the United States (827 articles), China (661 articles, including 452 articles from Taiwan Province), and Canada (183 articles). The top three intermediary centrality rankings are the United States (0.24), Ukraine (0.13), and the United Kingdom (0.12). The high-frequency keyword detection results show that the frequency of "risk factor" is 538 times, ranking first; The frequency of "predictor" is 370, ranking fifth. The trend forecast chart indicates that these two areas represent the current research frontier, with an increasing trend over the years. Cluster analysis resulted in the identification of 8 distinct topics, with a Q value of 0.7548 and an S value of 0.9032.


The international research in the field of geriatric emergency medicine is gaining increasing popularity, and the future GEM research in China will reach a threshold peak. Among them, the focus and emphasis of GEM research lies in the study of risk factors and predictive factors. The research direction of GEM treatment in hospitals can concentrate on emergency room treatment, emergency general surgery treatment, palliative care, and prognosis assessment.

图1 2012—2021年Web of Science数据库中老年急诊医学研究领域相关文献的年发文量
图2 2012—2021年Web of Science数据库中老年急诊医学相关文献数量地理可视化热图
图3 2012—2021年Web of Science数据库中老年急诊医学相关文献频次排名前50的国家/地区合作网络图谱注:图片顶部为时间轴,圆圈颜色对应时间轴颜色,节点越大代表词频越大,链接节点的线条越粗,代表共现关系越强
图4 2012—2021年Web of Science数据库中老年急诊医学相关文献高频词探测及聚类分析图谱
图5 2012—2021年Web of Science数据库中老年急诊医学相关文献中高频词"risk factor"(蓝线)"predictor"(红线)的历年频次及趋势预测图
表1 老年急诊医学(GEM)发展历史精要
图6 基于聚类分析总结未来老年急诊医学领域患者-医生-政策三维研究方向
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