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中华老年病研究电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (01) : 45 -50. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8757.2024.01.009


郑瑶1, 仲祎璐1, 刘彩霞2,(), 郑慧玲3, 李斐斐3, 胡镕镕3   
  1. 1. 310013 杭州,浙江医院干部保健科
    2. 310013 杭州,浙江医院护理部
    3. 310053 杭州,浙江中医药大学研究生院
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-08 出版日期:2024-02-28
  • 通信作者: 刘彩霞
  • 基金资助:

Correlation of the abuse tendency with nursing ability and social support

Yao Zheng1, Yilu Zhong1, Caixia Liu2,(), Huiling Zheng3, Feifei Li3, Rongrong Hu3   

  1. 1. Department of Health Care for Cadres, Zhejiang Hospital, Hangzhou 310013, China
    2. Nursing Department, Zhejiang Hospital, Hangzhou 310013, China
    3. Graduate School, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, China
  • Received:2023-10-08 Published:2024-02-28
  • Corresponding author: Caixia Liu

郑瑶, 仲祎璐, 刘彩霞, 郑慧玲, 李斐斐, 胡镕镕. 养老机构老年痴呆照顾者虐待倾向与护理能力和社会支持的相关性[J]. 中华老年病研究电子杂志, 2024, 11(01): 45-50.

Yao Zheng, Yilu Zhong, Caixia Liu, Huiling Zheng, Feifei Li, Rongrong Hu. Correlation of the abuse tendency with nursing ability and social support[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Research(Electronic Edition), 2024, 11(01): 45-50.










To investigate the current situation of the abuse tendency of the caregivers with dementia in nursing home institutions, and analyze its correlation with the nursing ability and social support of the caregivers.


A total of 316 cases of dementia caregivers from 11 nursing homes in Zhejiang Province were investigated by convenience sampling method, including the general data questionnaire, the caregiver abuse assessment scale, the nursing ability questionnaire of dementia caregivers and the social support assessment scale. Correlations between abuse tendency of the caregivers and their nursing ability and social support were analyzed using Spearman rank correlation analysis. Factors influencing abuse tendency of the caregivers were analyzed using binary logistic regression.


A total of 316 questionnaires were sent out, and 298 were recovered, with the effective recovery rate of 94.30%. The incidence of abuse tendency among dementia caregivers was 41.9%, and correlation analysis showed that the score of the caregiver's abuse tendency was negatively correlated with the total score of nursing ability, skill dimension, interpersonal dimension, total score of social support and objective support dimension (r=-0.159, -0.135, -0.155, -0.115, -0.127; P < 0.05). Binary logistic regression analysis showed that, taking care of two old man at the same time, the old people who take care of themselves partly or can't take care of themselves, have mental behavior symptoms and make the caregiver feel severe pain (OR=3.213, 10.621, 15.221, 4.523, 7.002; P < 0.05 or P < 0.01) are the risk factors of abuse tendency; Relationships are a protective factor for abuse tendency (OR=0.643, P < 0.01).


The incidence of abuse tendency of dementia caregivers in old-age care institutions is still high, which is related to the nursing ability and social support of caregivers. The incidence of abuse tendency can be reduced by reducing the burden of caregivers, improving the professional nursing ability of dementia, enhancing the interpersonal relationship of caregivers and improving the social support.

表1 痴呆老人的一般情况
表2 根据被照顾者的情况对照顾者的虐待倾向进行分层分析结果
项目 例数 无虐待倾向[例(%)] 有虐待倾向[例(%)] χ2 P
性别       0.593 >0.05
31(10.4) 20(64.5) 11(35.5)    
267(89.6) 153(57.3) 114(42.7)    
小学及以下 168(56.4) 101(60.1) 67(39.9) 2.312 >0.05
初中 107(35.9) 61(57.0) 46(43.0)    
高中或中专 18(6.1) 9(50.0) 9(50.0)    
大专 1(0.3) 0(0.0) 1(100.0)    
本科及以上 4(1.3) 2(50.0) 2(50.0)    
照顾2位老人       13.023 <0.01
241(80.9) 152(63.1) 89(36.9)    
57(19.1) 21(36.8) 36(63.2)    
是否接受过培训       3.047 0.081
115(38.6) 74(64.3) 41(35.7)    
183(61.4) 99(54.1) 84(45.9)    
完全自理 23(7.7) 20(87.0) 3(13.0) 8.746 <0.05
部分自理 173(58.1) 98(56.6) 75(43.4)    
完全不能自理 102(34.2) 55(53.9) 47(46.1)    
精神行为症状       5.449 <0.05
258(86.6) 143(55.4) 115(44.6)    
40(13.4) 30(75.0) 10(25.0)    
痛苦程度       10.359 <0.05
重度 11(3.7) 3(27.3) 8(72.7)    
中度 138(46.3) 76(55.1) 62(44.9)    
轻度 84(28.2) 47(56.0) 37(44.0)    
极轻度 65(21.8) 47(72.3) 18(27.7)    
职业收入满意度       10.380 <0.05
非常满意 17(5.7) 12(70.6) 5(29.4)    
比较满意 79(26.5) 55(69.6) 24(30.4)    
一般 74(24.9) 44(59.5) 30(40.5)    
不太满意 113(37.9) 55(48.7) 58(51.3)    
不满意 15(5.0) 7(46.7) 8(53.3)    
表3 298名老年痴呆照顾者护理能力及社会支持得分情况(±s,分)
表4 老年痴呆照顾者虐待倾向二元logistic回归分析结果
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