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中华老年病研究电子杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 07 ›› Issue (03) : 36 -40. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8757.2020.03.008

所属专题: 文献


杨舒岚1, 刘彩霞1,()   
  1. 1. 310013 杭州,浙江医院护理部
  • 收稿日期:2020-02-21 出版日期:2020-08-28
  • 通信作者: 刘彩霞
  • 基金资助:

Co-word cluster analysis of nursing research on dementia

Shulan Yang1, Caixia Liu1,()   

  1. 1. The Nursing Department of Zhejiang Hospital, Hangzhou 310013, China
  • Received:2020-02-21 Published:2020-08-28
  • Corresponding author: Caixia Liu
  • About author:
    Correspondence author: Liu Caixia, Email:

杨舒岚, 刘彩霞. 失智症护理研究共词聚类分析[J]. 中华老年病研究电子杂志, 2020, 07(03): 36-40.

Shulan Yang, Caixia Liu. Co-word cluster analysis of nursing research on dementia[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Research(Electronic Edition), 2020, 07(03): 36-40.




检索Pubmed、Medline、Biosis Previews、Web of science数据库,检索词为"dementia"、"Alzheimers disease",检索时间范围为2009-2019年,类别选项限定为护理。


共检索到2 883条文献记录,提取含关键词信息的文献共计2 560条。统计得出高频(≥85次)关键词38个,占总频次累计百分比为35.39%。共词聚类分析得到5个研究热点:失智症照护模式和管理、失智症疾病管理、失智症风险管理、失智症症状管理、失智症末期照护。




To analyze the hotspots of dementia related nursing research from 2009 to 2019, and understand the research status and development trend in this field.


We searched the Pubmed database, Medline database, Biosis Previews database and Web of Science database from 2009 to 2019, and the retrieval words were "dementia" and "dementia disease", and the category options were limited to nursing.


A total of 2 883 references were retrieved, and 2 560 references containing keyword information were extracted, and there are 38 high-frequency keywords (≥ 85 times), accounting for 35.39% of the total frequency. Five research hotspots were obtained from the co-word cluster analysis: dementia care model and management, dementia disease management, dementia risk management, dementia patient symptom management, and dementia end-stage care.


In recent 10 years, the nursing research on dementia focused on exploring the important significance of nursing practice in dementia care, dementia intervention and dementia management, which provided a theoretical basis for expanding the nursing practice and nursing research in the field of dementia.

表1 2009-2019年失智症相关护理研究高频关键词分布情况
序号 高频关键词 频次 百分比(%) 累计百分比(%)
1 DEMENTIA (失智症) 1 833 6.73 6.73
2 OLDER PEOPLE/OLDER ADULTS (老年人) 682 2.50 9.23
3 PEOPLE/ADULTS (成人) 667 2.45 11.68
4 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE (阿尔茨海默病) 464 1.70 13.39
5 CARE (照护) 456 1.67 15.06
6 NURSING HOMES (护理院/疗养院) 378 1.39 16.45
7 RESIDENTS/NURSING HOME RESIDENTS (居民/护理院居民) 377 1.38 17.83
8 INTERVENTION (干预) 281 1.03 18.86
9 HEALTH (健康) 259 0.95 19.82
10 CAREGIVERS (照护者) 254 0.93 20.75
11 QUALITY OF LIFE (生活质量) 245 0.90 21.65
12 LONG TERM CARE (长期照护) 243 0.89 22.54
13 NURSING (护理) 243 0.89 23.43
14 PREVALENCE (患病率) 238 0.87 24.31
15 DEPRESSION (抑郁) 197 0.72 25.03
16 NURSES (护士) 192 0.70 25.73
17 MANAGEMENT (管理) 190 0.70 26.43
18 FAMILY CAREGIVERS (家庭照护者) 189 0.69 27.13
19 BURDEN (负担) 168 0.62 27.74
20 SYMPTOMS (症状) 163 0.60 28.34
21 COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT (认知障碍) 155 0.57 28.91
22 EXPERIENCES (经历) 138 0.51 29.42
23 IMPACT (影响) 128 0.47 29.89
24 PALLIATIVE CARE (安宁疗护) 127 0.47 30.35
25 STAFF (员工) 121 0.44 30.80
26 OUTCOMES (结果) 113 0.41 31.21
27 QUALITY (质量) 108 0.40 31.61
28 DEMENTIA CARE (失智症照护) 107 0.39 32.00
29 DISEASE (疾病) 99 0.36 32.37
30 ATTITUDES (态度) 96 0.35 32.72
31 LIFE (生活) 96 0.35 33.07
32 RISK (风险) 93 0.34 33.41
33 SCALE (尺度) 92 0.34 33.75
34 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH (质性研究) 92 0.34 34.09
35 DELIRIUM (谵妄) 91 0.33 34.42
36 AGITATION (焦虑不安) 91 0.33 34.76
37 PROGRAM (程序) 87 0.32 35.07
38 PERCEPTIONS (感知) 85 0.31 35.39
图1 38个失智症相关护理研究高频词的共词聚类树状图
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