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中华老年病研究电子杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 02 ›› Issue (04) : 31 -35. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8757.2015.04.008

所属专题: 文献


潘晓东1, 周辰1,(), 何一然1, 刘雅玲1, 尹冬华1   
  1. 1. 210024 南京,江苏省老年医学研究所
  • 收稿日期:2015-11-10 出版日期:2015-11-28
  • 通信作者: 周辰
  • 基金资助:
    国家中医临床研究基地开放课题(JD201525); 江苏省卫计委保健局课题(BJ15024)

A Preliminary Study of the capacity of MoCA-cognitive domain index score to screen out the MCI patients in the elderly

Xiaodong Pan1, Chen Zhou1(), Yiran He1, Yaling Liu1, Donghua Yin1   

  1. 1. Jiangsu Provincial Geriatrics Research Institute, Nanjing 210009, China
  • Received:2015-11-10 Published:2015-11-28
  • Corresponding author: Chen Zhou

潘晓东, 周辰, 何一然, 刘雅玲, 尹冬华. MoCA指数对老年人群轻度认知障碍诊断效力的研究[J]. 中华老年病研究电子杂志, 2015, 02(04): 31-35.

Xiaodong Pan, Chen Zhou, Yiran He, Yaling Liu, Donghua Yin. A Preliminary Study of the capacity of MoCA-cognitive domain index score to screen out the MCI patients in the elderly[J]. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Research(Electronic Edition), 2015, 02(04): 31-35.


探讨蒙特利尔认知评估量表(Montreal cognitive assessment,MoCA)认知域指数得分(cognitive domain index score,CDIS)对老年人群轻度认知障碍(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)的诊断效力。


选择2009年5月至2015年7月在江苏省老年医学研究所就诊的老年人152例,其中认知正常者94例(正常对照组),轻度认知障碍者58例(MCI组;混合型35例,遗忘型23例)。按照CDIS的评分方法计算MoCA记忆指数(MoCA MIS)、执行力指数(MoCA EIS)、视空间能力指数(MoCA VIS)、语言能力指数(MoCA LIS)、注意力指数(MoCA AIS)、定向力指数(MoCA OISA),比较两组对象的MoCA总分及各个指数评分,并绘制ROC曲线,通过计算ROC曲线下面积的方法观察不同指数量表方法对MCI诊断的敏感性、特异性的差异。两组间计量资料的比较采用独立样本t检验,计数资料的边角采用χ2检验;采用ROC曲线下面积观察不同指数量表对MCI诊断的敏感性及特异性。


正常组MoCA总分、视空间、命名、注意、计算、语言、抽象、延迟记忆、定向及MoCA MIS、MoCA EIS、MoCA VIS、MoCA LIS、MoCA AIS、MoCA OISA评分分别为27.0±1.9、4.4±0.9、3.0±0.2、2.9±0.3、2.8±0.5、2.1±0.8、1.8±0.4、4.0±0.9、5.9±0.4、13.5±2.0、12.1±1.1、6.6±0.7、5.0±0.8、15.4±1.9、5.9±0.4,MCI组分别为22.2±3.1、3.5±1.3、2.8±0.5、2.7±0.6、2.7±0.6、1.8±0.7、1.7±0.6、1.3±0.3、5.4±0.9、7.8±3.4、10.9±1.7、5.9±1.1、4.6±0.9、13.5±2.8、5.4±0.9,混合型MCI者分别为20.8±2.8、2.8±1.0、2.7±0.5、2.5±0.6、2.6±0.7、1.7±0.8、1.6±0.7、1.2±1.2、5.2±1.0、7.7±3.2、10.0±1.4、5.4±1.1、4.5±1.0、12.4±2.8、5.2±1.0。MCI组与正常对照组间除计算、语言项评分差异无统计学意义外,MoCA总分、各分项评分、各指数的差异均有统计学意义(t=10.709、4.508、2.639、3.256、1.991、13.845、3.380、11.626、5.002、4.299、2.962、4.500、3.380,P<0.05或0.01);混合型MCI患者与正常对照组比较,MoCA总分、各分项评分、各指数的差异均有统计学意义(t=12.263、8.291、2.303、3.548、2.132、2.357、2.066、12.336、3.668、10.104、8.309、5.753、3.133、5.898、3.668,P<0.05或0.01)。MoCA MIS对MCI的诊断效力与MoCA总分相当,AUC的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其余各个指数的AUC均明显小于MoCA总分/MoCA MIS。MoCA总分在25分时,灵敏度达88.3%,特异度达到84.5%;MoCA MIS取11分为界值时,灵敏度达到91.5%,特异度达89.7%,均略高于MoCA总分。




To investigate whether the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)- cognitive domain index score (CDIS) was able to find out the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients in the elderly.


Total 152 old patients were enrolled in this research from May 2009 to July 2015 in Jiangsu Provincal Geriatrics Research Institute, including normal control group (NC group,n=94) and MCI group(n=58, there were 35 mix MCI patients and 23 amnestic MCI patients). According to the formula published, we calculated the CDIS for memory (MoCA MIS), executive (MoCA LIS), visuospatial (MoCA VIS), language (MoCA LIS), attention (MoCA AIS), and orientation function (MoCA OIS) of the subjects. The total score and CDIS were compared between groups. We calculated and compared the difference in sensitivity and the specificity of each CDIS by counting the AUC of ROC.T-test or Chi-Square was further used to dertermined differences between two groups.


The scores of MoCA total scores (MoCATS) and each subentries and CDIS in the CN group were 27.0±1.9、4.4±0.9(visuo space)、3.0±0.2(name)、2.9±0.3(attention)、2.8±0.5(calculation)、2.1±0.8(language)、1.8±0.4(abstraction)、4.0±0.9(delay memory)、5.9±0.4(orientation)、13.5±2.0(MoCA MIS)、12.1±1.1(MoCA EIS)、6.6±0.7(MoCA VIS)、5.0±0.8(MoCA LIS)、15.4±1.9(MoCA AIS)、5.9±0.4(MoCA OISA). The scores of MoCA total scores (MoCATS) and each subentries and CDIS in the MCI group were 22.2±3.1、3.5±1.3(visuo space)、2.8±0.5 (name)、2.7±0.6 (attention)、2.7±0.6(calculation)、1.8±0.7(language)、1.7±0.6(abstraction)、1.3±0.3(delay memory)、5.4±0.9(orientation)、7.8±3.4(MoCA MIS)、10.9±1.7(MoCA EIS)、5.9±1.1(MoCA VIS)、4.6±0.9 (MoCA LIS)、13.5±2.8(MoCA AIS)、5.4±0.9(MoCA OISA). The scores of MoCA total scores (MoCATS) and each subentries and CDIS in the mix MCI group were 20.8±2.8、2.8±1.0(visuo space)、2.7±0.5(name)、2.5±0.6(attention)、2.6±0.7(calculation)、1.7±0.8(language)、1.6±0.7(abstraction)、1.2±1.2(delay memory)、5.2±1.0 (orientation)、7.7±3.2(MoCA MIS)、10.0±1.4(MoCA EIS)、5.4±1.1(MoCA VIS)、4.5±1.0(MoCA LIS)、12.4±2.8(MoCA AIS)、5.2±1.0(MoCA OISA).There were significant differences in all CDIS and almost all subentries of MoCA between CN groups and MCI group except the scores of calculation and language (t=10.709、4.508、2.639、3.256、1.991、13.845、3.380、11.626、5.002、4.299、2.962、4.500、3.380,P<0.05 or 0.01). There was significant difference in all CDIS and all subentries of MoCA between CN groups and mix MCI group (t=12.263、8.291、2.303、3.548、2.132、2.357、2.066、12.336、3.668、10.104、8.309、5.753、3.133、5.898、3.668,P<0.05 or 0.01). The diagnostic effectiveness of MoCAMIS was as good as MoCATS as there were no difference of AUC between them (P>0.05). The AUC of other CDIS were significantly smaller than MoCATS/ MoCA MIS. The sensitivity of MoCAMIS was 91.5% and the specificity was 89.5% when the cutoff was 11. The sensitivity of MoCATS was 88.3% and the specificity was 84.5% when the cutoff was 25. Either sensitivity or specificity of MoCAMIS was better than MoCATS.


The MoCA cognitive domain index score can well present the impairment of cognitive domain in the MCI patients in clinical work.

表1 正常值与MCI患者基线资料的比较
表2 MCI组与正常对照组间MoCA总分、各分项及各指数的比较(±s
表3 混合型MCI者与正常对照组间MoCA总分、各分项及各指数的比较(±s
表4 MoCA各指数的ROC曲线下面积及统计值
图1 MoCA各指数的ROC曲线
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