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中华老年病研究电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 09 ›› Issue (01) : 32 -37. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-8757.2022.01.009


顾叶1, 王秋霏1, 薛峰1, 彭育沁1, 朱锋2, 王熠军2, 耿德春2, 徐耀增2,()   
  1. 1. 215500 常熟,苏州大学附属常熟医院(常熟市第一人民医院)骨科
    2. 215006 苏州,苏州大学附属第一医院骨科
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-21 出版日期:2022-02-28
  • 通信作者: 徐耀增
  • 基金资助:
    江苏省重点研发(社会发展)项目(BE2020666); 苏州市科技发展计划项目(SYSD2020013); 苏州市临床重点病种诊疗项目(LCZX201824); 常熟市卫健委科技计划项目(csws201907); 常熟市科技发展计划项目(CS201817)

Percutaneous compression plate combined with zoledronic acid in the treatment of senile osteoporotic femoral neck fracture

Ye Gu1, Qiufei Wang1, Feng Xue1, Yuqin Peng1, Feng Zhu2, Yijun Wang2, Dechun Geng2, Yaozeng Xu2,()   

  1. 1. Department of Orthopedics, Changshu Hospital Affiliated to Soochow University (Changshu No.1 people's Hospital), Changshu 215500, China
    2. Department of Orthopedics, The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University, Suzhou 215006, China
  • Received:2021-06-21 Published:2022-02-28
  • Corresponding author: Yaozeng Xu

顾叶, 王秋霏, 薛峰, 彭育沁, 朱锋, 王熠军, 耿德春, 徐耀增. 经皮加压钢板联合唑来膦酸治疗老年骨质疏松性股骨颈骨折疗效分析[J/OL]. 中华老年病研究电子杂志, 2022, 09(01): 32-37.

Ye Gu, Qiufei Wang, Feng Xue, Yuqin Peng, Feng Zhu, Yijun Wang, Dechun Geng, Yaozeng Xu. Percutaneous compression plate combined with zoledronic acid in the treatment of senile osteoporotic femoral neck fracture[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Geriatrics Research(Electronic Edition), 2022, 09(01): 32-37.










To investigate the clinical effect of percutaneous compression plate combined with zoledronic acid in the treatment of senile osteoporotic femoral neck fracture (OFNF).


A total of 98 elderly OFNF patients admitted to the First People's Hospital of Changshu from June 2014 to June 2019 were selected. Among them, 48 patients were treated with percutaneous compression plate plus zoledronic acid (observation group), and 50 patients were treated with total or semi-hip replacement plus routine treatment (control group). The changes of bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers, clinical efficacy, postoperative visual analog scale (VAS) pain score, Harris hip function score, and the overall incidence of complications were compared between 2 groups before and after surgery. T test and repeated-measure ANOVA was used for comparison of measurement data, and χ2 test was used for comparison of counting data.


Compared with the control group, the hospitalization time, operation time and intraoperative bleeding of the observation group were significantly shortened, and the decrease of postoperative hemoglobin was significantly reduced (t=-3.050, -10.379, -21.032, -31.908, P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in preoperative hip BMD and T value, the amino-terminal peptide of type Ⅰ procollagen (PⅠNP) and the carboxy-terminal peptide crosslinking of β-Ⅰ collagen (β-CTX) between two groups, and the postoperative differences showed time effect, group effect and interaction effect (BMD: F=28.491, 15.609, 6.128, P < 0.01; T value: F=45.358, 27.736, 6.133, P < 0.01; PⅠNP: F=73.84, 88.812, 16.991, P < 0.01; β-CTX: F=101.431, 724.919, 44.086, P < 0.01). The difference of postoperative VAS score between the two groups showed time effect, group effect and interaction effect (F=1678.032, 552.403, 32.493, P < 0.01), and the difference of postoperative Harris score showed time effect and group effect (F=33.344, 14.169, P < 0.01).


The use of percutaneous compression plate combined with zoledronic acid in the treatment of senile OFNF can not only restore the hip function early, but also reduce the postoperative pain and recover the function quickly.

表1 两组患者一般资料的比较
表2 两组患者术中及术后相关情况的比较(±s
表3 两组患者手术前后髋部骨密度和T值的变化(±s
表4 两组患者手术前后PⅠNP、β-CTX水平的变化(ng/ml,±s
表5 两组患者术后视觉模拟疼痛评分和Harris评分的比较(分,±s
表6 两组患者术后并发症的发生情况[例(%)]
图1 典型骨质疏松性股骨颈骨折患者采用加压钢板治疗前后的X线片表现
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